Wednesday, September 25, 2013

7dp5dt - One Hot Hormonal Mess

Okay, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement...

Still, it doesn't help that my 3 year-old son (okay, almost 4) is currently on a plane on his way to Disneyland with his grandparents, taking his first trip away from us ever.  I know he is GREAT hands and is going to have a BLAST at the "Happiest Place on Earth", but right now it's reading more like "Best Place on Earth to get Lost or Kidnapped or Fall out of a Teacup".  Gigi, I know you will read this and don't worry, this is just the hormones talking. I know everyone will be just fine. :)

I seriously have been going through the day flip-flopping about every 10 minutes between "I know I'm pregnant!" and "I wonder how soon we can do the next cycle?"  I'm sure this is normal for everyone in the 2WW, but man it makes the day seem long!!  I'm sure it's way harder for my IPs.  I want soooo much for them for there to be a baby or two in there cooking right now.  They've been waiting long enough, darnit!

I guess all I can do is leave it in the Lord's hands and lay it all at His feet.  If this is His timing, EXCELLENT, but if it's not, then PLEASE Lord give their perfect child in Your Time...though we will all take sooner over later if that works with Your schedule...

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