Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fast Forward a Few Months....

Wow, it's sure been a long time since I posted, and SO much has happened. 

The months of October-December were rather uneventful, but in January the ball started rolling again. Meds arrived, pills were popped, shots were injected, patches were stuck, and then I hopped on a plane to the cold, cold Midwest. 

Three feet of snow welcomed me as I stepped out of the airport, and the sub-zero temps were NOT the highlight of my visit.  Seriously, it's crazy that people are expected to go outdoors in that weather.  If San Antonio ever saw anything remotely similar, our city would literally shut down for a good three months of the year.  Craziness...

Anyhow, on the morning of Sunday, February 2, we (well, the doctor) transferred two adorable blastocysts into my plumped and primed uterus.  The embryos were "beauties" according to the RE, and he gave us a 79% chance of a singleton, and 60% of twinkies.  (Somewhere in the "less than 1%" range there exists a chance of triplets or quads, but let's not even go there.) Last time, our odds were 50%.

Now all that science stuff is well and good, but after was when the REAL magic happened:

1) Pineapple.  I ate 1/5 of a pineapple every day for 5 days, including the core.  Some say the enzyme bromelain in the core causes the uterus to get "puffy" (a good thing).

2) Bill Cosby.  Watched an old stand-up routine about drunk people immediately following the transfer. Hospitals in Israel send a Medical Clown to women's rooms for 15 minutes post-transfer.  Studies have shown a 20% higher rate of pregnancy when the women were entertained immediately following IVF.

3) Miralax.  I won't elaborate.

I laid around for a few days up north, discovered the wonder of Byerly's, fell in love with a new soap and organic milk, decided Juan Pablo is kind of a sleeze-ball, and hung out with awesome IF and IM before returning to a 70 degree February day in San Antonio.

After a LONG "2 Week Wait" (actually 9dp5dt), I went in for my blood test on February 11 so they could measure my hcg levels.  Last time mine were a big fat ZERO.  This time.....562.

Repeated the test two days later and levels were at 1585.  YES, FOLKS, WE ARE PREGNANT!!**

**With a very special thank you to Bill Cosby, the makers of Miralax, and God (the maker of pineapple)

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